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    Inna, 42 anni

    Огромное вам спасибо за ваш сайт!!!! По-моему, я нашла своего мужчину!!!!! Я встретила свою любовь!!!!! Теперь я не нуждаюсь в услугах вашего сайта. Хочу пожелать удачи в поисках счастья и любви всем остальным пользователям этого замечательного сайта!!!!
  • chris, 49 anni
    USA,Lansing, Michigan

    i have found her!! and i found her here!!
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    stephen, 56 anni

    thank you.i met a lovely lady.thank you for great service.
  • 03.06.08
    I really like this site. The customer service has been very satisfactory and helpful. I appreciate they got the flowers I ordered for a lady's birthday and they indeed arrived on time. They are also very helpful in that if you have any questions, they will answer you within 48 hours if not sooner. I've started correspondence with a couple of ladies here and have found them to be down-to-earth, no-nonsense ladies. I've had a couple of would-be scammers and the great thing is that this site weeds them out pretty efficiently. For now, I have nothing but praise for this site, with regards to their services. Now, as far as making a relationship work and finding that special someone, that's between you and the lady of course. I wish all of you the best of luck in your search for the right one! I hope I will soon!
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    Johnny, 64 anni

    I have begun a relationship with a lady, and not longer need your service. I therefore ask you to delete my profile, but ensure you, that I will be back again making a new profile, should the need occur. Thank you for a perfect site,
  • Fidanzato(-a)

    Hellen, 43 anni

    Спасибо вам огромное что вы есть,и помогаете людям найти свою половину. Я уже нашла свою любовь на этом замечательном сайте,и мы скоро поженимся.Еще раз благодарю,желаю счастья всем девушкам и хочу сказать им-будьте уверенными ,что обязательно встретите тут любимого мужчину-и все у вас получится.
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    Yuliya, 28 anni

    Я нашла свою вторую половинку и не хотела бы оставлять свою анкету на сайте.....Спасибо Вам за всё!
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    booodi, 44 anni
    Saudi Arabia,Jeddah

    I had an excellent experience with your site. I found your site to be the best one I had dealt with. It was fun to use and I always had lots of responses. Thank you for your help..
  • Sposato(-a)
    I wrote before but had to again. I wish to thank you so much. I met my future wife here. I will be marrying my best friend, Olesya, in Irkutsk Russia in November. She is everything I ever imagined for me. I again wish to say thankyou. Will send you pictures.
  • Fidanzato(-a)

    Valentina, 52 anni

    Дорогая администрация сайта! Я бесконечно благодарна вам за ваш сайт. Здесь я нашла самого лучшего моего любимого мужчину! Через пару недель я лечу к нему по визе невесты. У нас все хорошо! Свадьва в июле! Успехов вам!
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    Robert, 61 anni
    USA,Shawnee Mission, Kansas

    As I have found someone on your site that I will be visiting in August I wish to delete my profile. Thank you for an excellent site.
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    Jim, 64 anni

    I have begun a relationship with a lady, and no longer need this service. It was wonderful, and thank you.
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    Lyubov, 36 anni

    Я уже нашла свою половинку. Спасибо.На Вашем сайте было очень интересно общаться.
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    Doug, 64 anni

    Yes I wish to deleye my profile and pictures. This site is one of the best sites I have evry been on. Should I ever join a dting site again this will be the one. However..for now I wish to delete my accoiunt. Thanks
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    Natalia, 30 anni

    огромное спасибо сайту!!!!!!!! на самом деле огромное! просто уже нет необходимости
  • 25.05.08
    Great site i have met many friends on here and soon i hope to visit russia to see some of them great job well done
  • Sposato(-a)
    Dear organizers dating site!
    I would like to thank you for what you have created this project. I have never believed in true love, but thank to your site, I met a most remarkable man! His name is Greg, and he is 40 from Ohio, USA. And he gave me to understand that there is such thing as true love! We love each other and going to marry soon here in Irkutsk! We are happy because of you! Thank you very much!
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    Olga, 45 anni

    Спасибо вам за работу! Вы работаете намного лучше других сайтов! Я встретила мужчину и буду строить отношения с ним, если не получится вернусь! Всего вам хорошего!
  • 23.05.08
    I also desire complimenting myself with you and all who administrate this site,I think you do an excellent job of overlooking and (surveillance) of tha activities.You are very careful and professional,and this makes (clients) like myself feel better and (protected).Really an excellent effort on your behalf,I admire your administration.Unlike most western sites where you will find just about every kind of (garbage)!!!!!!And administration does never provide you with the same service,they do not even dream about contacting a person directly like you do.People are just numbers to them.....Once again,thanks for your excellence and courtesy,my best wishes and a very pleasant day to you,a big hug,bye :) :)
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    Violetta, 33 anni

    i realy hope that i'm find my dream man))) thanks a lot of your site
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